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Terpene Tea Party
Elevated Social Experiences

Mindful living is a

lifestyle of luxury. 


We curate events that give new and experienced consumers an opportunity to elevate their health and wellness through exciting and engaging social experiences.  

Personalized Service

Each clients is as unique as the terpenes of a flower.


Clients come to us in many forms. Whether it is to launch their brand in an elevated setting, or to customize cannabis-friendly components at their wedding.


 Our amazing network of vendors and venues work together to keep your event in compliance while giving you an unforgettable experience. 

Cannabis Education 


Science, technology, engineering, arts, math.


Whether you are an experienced consumer or just canna-curious, we are invested in giving you the tools to understand why the benefits of cannabis can have a significant impact on your health and personal well being.


Our network of cannabis educators are some of the brightest in the industry and are equally as passionate about using immersive and engaging social environments to educate on responsible consumption.



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